Secrets To Writing Killer Articles.

As a matter of fact, you don’t need to be a great writer to write a good and unique article. All you need to know are those fundamental ingredients that must be contained in a good article. Also, you must note that you are writing the article for human consumption and nothing else. Therefore, concentrate on the interest of human being and know the main purpose of writing the article. You must write your article to serve any of the following purposes; persuade, inform, evoke emotions, evaluate and observe. Always write in active voice and be accurate.

Fundamental Components that a unique article must contain

1.  The Title or Headline

The title or headline is an important aspect of the article. It must catch the attention of your targeted audience. Apart from that, it must be useful, provide the reader with a sense of urgency, unique and proffer solution to the reader in an ultra-specific manner.  

 2.   Introduction

This is an aspect of your article that will tell your readers the content of the article. This is very easy and simple to construct as it will show what the body of the article will be. It must be a minimum of three sentences and a maximum of five sentences.  Your introduction must be optimistic and thrilling. You can ask a question, make a quote or utter an incredible truth. The introduction of your article as a matter of fact should lead to the body of the article.

 3. Body

 This is where you will include your findings to give the information to your reader as promised in the headline and introduction. Write as you talk in simple and correct English and always present yourself as a professional even if you not. Incorporate your proficiency tips, strategies and knowledge in the body of your article. Note at this point that the best article is 350 words and at most 500 words.

4.  Conclusion

 This is the summary of all that is contained in the body of the article. The conclusion must be relevant to the arguments made earlier in the body of the  article. This should not be more that two sentences at most but don’t ever use the word; In conclusion” when summarizing your article as it reveals that you are an amateur writer.

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